View of the port at dusk, with illuminated the walls of the town
Ⓒ P. Merakos


NOW 15 °C

Next 5 days

  • SAT 14 °C
  • SUN 16 °C
  • MON 15 °C
  • TUES 17 °C
  • WED 18 °C

Source: National Observatory of Athens /

A particularly beautiful town of 10,000 inhabitants built in the shape of an amphitheater on a pine-clad slope. Known since the ancient times, Nafpaktos was the port and the military center of the Aetolian Confederacy. Due to its strategic position, it has often been the apple of discord among its conquerors. Nafpaktos is also known for the famous sea battle, during which the Turkish fleet was destroyed by the unified European forces (in October 1571). Miguel de Cervantes, the author of "Don Quixote", took part in this battle as a soldier on a Spanish ship. Nafpaktos participated in the Revolution of 1821 and was liberated in 1829.
From Athens via Olympia Odos to Corinthos-Patras Road and then to Antiriou-Nafpaktos Road the journey takes 2.5 hours. From Thessaloniki from Egnatia Odos to Rio-Antiriou Road to Nafpaktos the journey takes 4.5 hours.

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