Cycling in Greece
With a bicycle and a backpack!
Cycling can without a doubt be a great pleasure. The easygoing sense of freedom which a cycling holiday can provide has created an entire travel culture of its own. Greece has a longstanding tradition in cycling. There are some 80 or so clubs around the country involved in road biking and track racing, as well as BMX dirt bikes and mountain biking.The history of cycling began for Greece in the 19th century. Indeed, in the first modern Olympics which were held in 1896 in Athens, the Greek cyclist Aristidis Konstantinidis won the gold medal in the road bicycle race.
The routes which can be enjoyed by bicycle in Greece are among the best in the world. Some are very demanding because of the hilly terrain, others are less strenuous, but nevertheless beautiful. Cyclists, in the spirit of competition or simply with a desire to explore, will find that Greece has wonderful countryside in which to pursue their favourite sport.
You can cycle almost everywhere in the countryside, combining tourism and physical exercise. Since the climate is favorable by providing sunshine on most days during the year, in conjunction with low humidity, you can easily cycle around Greece throughout most months.
As for mountain biking, there are special trails for this sport throughout the country. Even around Athens a cyclist can visit some interesting routes for mountain biking in Parnitha, Varibobi, Pentedli and Dionisos. Other appealing regions in the country are: Evia, Evrytania, Karytaina Arcadia, Mani, Parnassos and Nafpaktos.You can get more information on the routes and mountain biking in general from local cycling associations. There are also private companies that offer cycling tourism programs, from a simple bicycle ride to mountain biking, which also provide participants with all the necessary equipment.