Today, local grape varieties produce excellent wines with fine aromas and flavours and their reputation is worldwide. Top quality white wines and sweet wines are made from Moschato Alexandrias, a white aromatic grape variety, on the island’s volcanic terroir. This variety produces Protected Designation of Origin wines, awarded prizes in international wine contests and exhibitions.
The red grape variety Limnio (Kalampaki is the local name) is cultivated in east Limnos.
Next to winemaking, tsipouro and ouzo spirits are also produced in the local distilleries known as lakaria. Have an ouzo drink next to grilled octopus, seafood and other local delicacies, or try it on the rocks!
Limnos' Wines and Spirits
Did you know that in ancient times wine from Mithymna was believed to be the ambrosia drunk only by the Olympian gods?
In spring, sweet smelling Limnos resembles a carpet of flowers floating in the Aegean. During the Trojan War, Homer speaks in Iliad of how local wines put an irresistible spell on people.Today, local grape varieties produce excellent wines with fine aromas and flavours and their reputation is worldwide. Top quality white wines and sweet wines are made from Moschato Alexandrias, a white aromatic grape variety, on the island’s volcanic terroir. This variety produces Protected Designation of Origin wines, awarded prizes in international wine contests and exhibitions.
The red grape variety Limnio (Kalampaki is the local name) is cultivated in east Limnos.
Next to winemaking, tsipouro and ouzo spirits are also produced in the local distilleries known as lakaria. Have an ouzo drink next to grilled octopus, seafood and other local delicacies, or try it on the rocks!