Lenten Biscuits


What you need:

  • 450 ml of olive oil
  • 300 gr of sugar
  • 100 ml orange juice
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp baking soda
  • 1 tsp of cinnamon
  • 600 gr of all purpose flour
  • Sesame seeds (optional)


  1. Place the lukewarm olive oil with sugar in a large bowl and mix until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Dissolve the baking soda in the orange juice and immediately add it in the bowl.
  3. Mix the baking powder with the flour, add the cinnamon and knead the dough until it doesn’t stick to your fingers.
  4. Shape the cookies, sprinke over some sesame seeds and bake for 20 to 30 min. at 170 °C