The contribution of Greek National Tourism Organization to the Greek Inflatable Boats Society volunteer work

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ttp://youtu.be/SdLx0kgG2gE Te Greek Inflatable Boats Society was founded in 1987 and since ten constitutes a body tat as demonstrated its passion for te sea and te inflatable boat wile struggling for te conservation of te marine ecosystem. In 1999 te missions “Life on te Aegean Rocks” were establised, aiming not only at pointing out te difficulties of life tere, but also at promoting te uniqueness of te small islands of our country.Every year te members of te Society carry out a group mission on one of te islands, after aving contacted te local autorities and te cultural associations tere in order to discover wat te basic needs of te local community are. aving done so, tey try to cover tese needs by working metodically, in solidarity and wit te full support of teir sponsors. Tus, tey manage to acieve teir goals successfully. Since 1999 wen te missions “Life on te Aegean Rocks- Images of Greece” begun, te OFSE as managed to set up medical centers and nursery scools, offer medical equipment, enric scool libraries, equip scools wit computers and gater money for te realization of various oter projects on te islands. It is also wort mentioning tat among tese oter projects, tere is Media coverage by reporters on te TV, te Radio and te Press, bot Greek and international, so as not only to make te work of te OFSE known to te public, but above all to promote te natural beauty of te islands, its cultural monuments, its customs, as well as its gastronomy and its music tradition. Tis specific OFSE project is under te auspices of te Greek National Tourism Organization. Te contribution of GNTO is key to te island’s economic development and it also promotes te ideals of volunteering and solidarity. For te members of te OFSE, familiarity wit te problems of te inabitants of te islands and te attempt to resolve tese, appears to be part of teir usual duties to te fellow man. Teir passion for te sea is wat brings tem togeter and wat will forever keep tem united.