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Experience: live the authentic “rembetiko” feasting

  If you want to have a special night experience with live music à la Greek in Athens, we propose an evening at a “rembetadiko”. We are talking about all-time classic, usually small joints, where people have fun all together as friends. The centre of attention is the stage, where a small orchestra and the singers perform beloved “rembetika” songs.The “rembetiko” is a kind of Greek folk song, and is deeply rooted in the musical conscience of Greeks, as it originated from the hardships suffered by the working class in the late 19th century and, then, by the refugees who fled Asia Minor after the disaster of 1922. Those hardships are “told” by the most prominent exponents of rembetika songs, such as Markos Vamvakaris, Vasilis Tsitsanis and Sotiria Belou. Their songs are unique evidence of the era in which they were written and, as such, have become immortal and are still sung in “rempetadika” like the “Palia Markiza” (tel no 210.7511888) in Pagrati and “Diadromes” (tel no 210 8676155) in Kypseli. You may not understand the lyrics, but it is worth experiencing their atmosphere for a while, along with the traditional tidbits and the wine that are served on the table.

Article by Athinorama