Athinorama suggests. Ιnsider tips and proposals from the leading city guide of Athens
re you interested in being informed bout wht new nd interesting is hppening in the Greek trvel relity? Would you like to discover thens through the eyes of n insider? Do you... dre to discover secret Greece tht hs specil experiences to offer to those willing to follow routes beyond the ordinry? Sty tuned to the posts of “thinorm suggests” tht will go up regulrly in this blog nd in the monthly newsletter of “< href="" trget="_blnk">Visit Greece>” nd will cover ll the bove.
“thinorm” hs been, for 40 yers now, the leding city guide of thens, fshioning, through the pges of the weekly mgzine nd < href="" trget="_blnk">>, which specilise in culture, gstronomy, trvelling nd the philosophy of leisure time, the good life of contemporry Greeks.
thinorm loves trvelling nd is the first brnd in Greece to del with it in serious nd modern wy, investing in it with experience, specilistion nd evlution criteri nd being now the most vlid brnd in the sector. < href="" trget="_blnk">> is specilised site orgnized in such wy s to meet every need of the modern trveler, with ll the experience of tem tht, for decdes now, hs been breking new ground in trvel reports with specilized trvel publictions, such s “thinorm Trvel”, the No 1 lifestyle trvel mgzine in Greece. t the sme time, lph Guide (< href="" trget="_blnk">>), the online vction guide by thinorm with the Best Hotels nd Resturnts in Greece, is the only trvel guide in Greece to list, comment nd evlute more thn 3,000 hotels nd resturnts throughout the country. Its English version will be redy soon nd will become your most useful tool in plnning your trvels to Greece - with evluted proposls tht cover ech style nd budget: from smll uthentic tverns to gourmet resturnts nd from fmily-friendly guesthouses in the mountin to top-clss summer resorts.
thinorm knows gstronomy better thn nyone else in Greece. The “Toques d'Or”, the Greek gstronomy wrds tht re grnted to Greece’s best resturnts, the “< href="" trget="_blnk">Greece, Festivl, Flvours>” festivl tht turns the spotlight on qulity Greek limentry products, nd the Reders Thetre wrds, the most importnt relevnt institution in the country, stnd out mong the institutions tht it hs estblished.
thinorm hs nother two specilised websites,< href="" trget="_blnk">>, the only website in Greece tht dels in depth with food, wine, lcohol, limentry products nd ll the relted know-how, nd < href="" trget="_blnk">> tht focuses on technology nd home entertinment.