Greek Fashion Social Awareness

Greek4chic supports, promotes and adores Greek fashion!
Greek fashion is...
High quality
Super stylish
But is this all to it? Definitely not… We have been pleasantly surprised this holiday season with all the invites we received to events, events that Greek fashion through very stylish and well organized Bazaars supports Charities and organizations! There have been Bazaars about children in need, elderly people, homeless people, and families in need! This social awareness of Greek fashion made us all so happy and eager to help in any way possible!
Christmas season is always such a shiny and happy season that perhaps many of us don’t stop for a second to think of the ones that cannot afford this Christmas bliss. We ironically enough claim that this is the season of love but effectively don’t do anything to spread this love to people that really need it! These past few years Greece has faced an enormous economic challenge with dignity and pride, we all became stronger and more socially aware! Christmas is not the same anymore because now we know that that there are many people out there who cannot even fulfill their basic needs. Is there a better season than Christmas season to choose to help?
Greek fashion has united its forces, many designers and producers have participated in such charity bazaars to help and offered us the best excuse for shopping! Is there anything better than shopping at bargain prices and knowing that every penny helps? Don’t you feel better already? Fashion is not only about the glamour, the catwalks and the stunning editorials it’s so much more and Greek fashion has proven that in the best possible way!
The Greek4chic Team is a modern online platform that sells Greek products (clothing, accessories and more), proud to represent Greek talents! We are proud of you guys!!