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Ammouliani island. A little paradise

Here is some breaking news!  Halkidiki has an island! A small, majestic island, the only populated one in the region.  As its name (Ammouliani) suggests (“ammos” means sand in Greek) the island’s coastline consists mainly of a succession of sandy coves with turquoise, crystal-clear  waters. This little paradise lies just two nautical miles from the coast and can be reached by ferry. The first inhabitants arrived on the island in 1925, as refugees from Asia Minor and brought with them their precious customs, a unique gastronomy, the art of fishing, and rare objects exhibited now in the island’s Folklore Museum. Because of their knowledge of the sea, they were soon flourishing as a community.  Walks around the island reveal the traditional houses, the courtyards with fishermen’s nets laid out for drying and running repairs, small vegetable gardens and flower beds in full bloom. Any visit to the island is not complete without exploring the complex of islets, known collectively as Drenia, all around it. This collection of uninhabited rocks basking in the midday sun is a paradise of hidden inlets and golden beaches. One of these smaller islands is called “Donkey” as legend has it that this is where locals used to bring the old donkeys to rest in peace. You can get to Ammouliani from Tripiti in the Μunicipality of Aristotle. Give yourself a piece of paradise. By: Tania Akritidou