The shores of the lake are greatly varied; in some place they are steep, creating unique landscapes, and in other places they are so gradual and vast that they look like a beach. The delightful villages around Trichonida form a community pulsating with life. The main settlement is Thermo, north-east of the lake. Apart from its natural beauty, the area is well-known for its spas and excellent varieties of citrus fruits.
Trichonida belongs to the Natura 2000 network due to the great importance of its endemic flora and fauna.
Lake Trichonida
During antiquity the number ‘three’ symbolized perpetual life-giving movement and by extension the unceasing flow of water. Trichonida owes its name to precisely this tradition. It is the largest lake in Greece, located in Aetolia-Acarnania, south of the Panaitoliko and north of the Arakynthos mountain ranges.The shores of the lake are greatly varied; in some place they are steep, creating unique landscapes, and in other places they are so gradual and vast that they look like a beach. The delightful villages around Trichonida form a community pulsating with life. The main settlement is Thermo, north-east of the lake. Apart from its natural beauty, the area is well-known for its spas and excellent varieties of citrus fruits.
Trichonida belongs to the Natura 2000 network due to the great importance of its endemic flora and fauna.